Our programs

Western top chart

This program contains top ten music videos which gets more popularity among United States. This program is designed by lowest number to high. Top ten music videos are played on their nominating number. The length of this program is about 40 minutes and it is designed by Jolly Prodhan.

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Kolkata Hitz

This program is designed with latest Kolkata movie songs. Here about five new songs are included; which may be music videos or movie songs. This is about 30 minute’s length with a single commercial break.

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Adda Gane Campus

To give priority and inspire the upcoming singers Adda Gane Campus is an exceptional program where students of college and university can participate. An individual institution is selected for the program. The team of Adda gane Campus visits that campus and arranges an environment of singing. The selected students have an opportunity to sing and share their goal of life. Through this program this underprivileged singers can show their talent. Along with this we cover an interview of the head of that institution. This is an in house program of about 45 minute produced by Jolly Prodhan. 

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